Why a Butterfly?

Have you seen the butterfly in our logo? It's significant, but do you know the reason why? The butterfly can represent moving from one stage of life to another. Specifically for us, the cocoon represents some...

The lion and lamb year

One constant thing about the Professional Organizing industry is change. We go through lion and lamb seasons. This year started with business coming in at a snail's pa...

I'm So Embarrassed!

"I'm so embarrassed!" I can't tell you how many times I've heard a client say those words. While I totally understand those words and the reason behind them, I also want to reach out to them and just squeeze the words ...

Here's to Your Health!

There's a misconception out there, and I'd like to address it. Some people have the incorrect view that Professional Organizers are glorified cleaning people. If you've hired Chaos Pros, you know that the result is not only an organize...

A New Definition

"Do you know what 'Chaos' stands for?" my friend and fellow organizer Trish Lengen once asked me. "No, tell me," I answered. She smiled and replied, "Can't ...


This blog allows the ramblings and observations of a Professional Organizer to be published and viewed for public musings. It may prove to be only an outlet for my crazy mind, or it may prove to actually be beneficial to many. I'm hoping for, ...