Hands On or Hands Off?

Every client is different in their approach to getting rid of clutter. Some say, "I don't want to see what you do, just get rid of it and then show me how to keep the organization in place." (Some clients actually leave and come back at the end of the day.) Many are involved by helping in the process when they can and/or being available to answer questions. It's always up to the client, but we remind them that the more they're involved, the more vested they are in the process and the greater their chances of keeping up with the organization after the project is completed. A bonus is it also means the less it will cost them for our services.

This client made the most of her time and her investment in professional organization services by being "hands on" the entire time. A retired Grandmother who now wants to devote her time to watching her cherub of a granddaughter and her super-friendly chihuahua named Killer, she needed her home office to be organized for bill paying and working on her multiple hobbies. We returned once more to install some curtains on the windows, but had the best light to show the finished organization project. Love the space created by this one!

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