The Cart Can't Pull The Horse!

One of the firm beliefs of Chaos Pros is that you do NOT buy products to solve clutter problems until after you know exactly how much you have of the items needing storage. Buying a new container because it's "cute and can surely be used for something" is like throwing gasoline on a campfire. That cute container has now just become part of your clutter problem instead of the solution! This belief was reinforced during our assessment of a client's whole-home organization. Our client had purchased an Elfa system from The Container Store for gift wrap, but then did not follow through with setting it up to be a storage solution; thus, it had become part of the clutter.

Enter Chaos Pros! After emptying the entire closet contents, grouping like things together, and adding a few missing components (a drawer organizer, melamine tops, label holders, and labels), this closet is a gift-wrappers dream! We were also able to use some bins that had been emptied in other rooms for storage solutions. Now, in this gift wrap closet, everything has its place, and there's a place for everything.

If your space has more problems than solutions, call us to schedule a complimentary needs assessment. We look forward to organizing your chaos!

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